
Vein Disease in Men

It's clear from the data, men also suffer from varicose veins. In fact, up to 50 percent of men in the United States are at risk for varicose veins during their lifetime. However, men are also more likely to avoid seeking medical attention for visible veins. This is likely due to a combination of factors including minimizing symptoms, considering varicose veins to be cosmetic only, and embarrassment. As such, specialty consultation for varicose vein treatment in NYC  is primarily sought by women. The first thing to understand is that varicose veins are not just a cosmetic concern. Medical concerns related to untreated vein conditions can lead to discoloration, bleeding, and skin ulcers. These are signs of poor blood circulation in your lower extremities. What Causes Varicose Veins in Men? The problem involves veins in the lower extremities that suffer from high pressure from within. Naturally, blood pools in these veins due to gravity, resulting in high pressure within the veins.

Compression Stocking Guide

  What Are Compression Stockings? Compression stockings are worn for many different reasons including varicose veins, spider veins, edema, orthostatic hypotension and venous insufficiency. These tightly fitted socks gently squeeze your legs to promote blood flow from the legs back toward the heart. Thigh or waist-high stockings help reduce pooling of blood in the legs that is common to patients suffering from vein disease. A few benefits of regular use include prevention of edema, symptom control with varicose veins and following  vein treatment  for venous insufficiency.   Compression Stockings and Varicose Veins  Varicose veins appear when the one-way valves in your veins fail and allow blood to leak backward. As a result, blood pools in the lower legs and dilates the veins to cause venous insufficiency. Compression stockings provide support around the superficial veins and enable the blood to flow more effectively back towards the heart. Compression stockings are graded to provide m

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

Many women first develop varicose veins or find that they get worse during pregnancy before coming to seeing the Upper East Side NYC vein clinic . This is particularly true for women carrying twins or during subsequent pregnancies. You may have little or no discomfort from varicose veins, or they may make your legs feel heavy and achy. The skin around a varicose vein may also itch, throb, or feel like it’s burning. The symptoms tend to be worse at the end of the day, especially if you’ve been on your feet a lot. Pregnancy increases the volume of blood in your body, but it also slows the blood flow from the legs to the pelvis. This change in circulation is designed to support the growing fetus and prepare the body for labor and delivery, however it can produce the unfortunate side effect of enlarged veins in your legs. You may have also noticed tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin, especially on your ankles, legs, or face. These are called spider veins because they spread ou


Varicose veins are abnormal swollen veins present both on the surface and beneath the surface of the skin. In contrast, spider veins are smaller, red or purple blood vessels that are less than 1 mm in diameter and have a web-like appearance. Both conditions can be related to venous insufficiency prompting a visit to NYC Vein Clinic . What creates Varicose Veins problems? The normal function of leg veins is to bring blood back to the heart. With activity, the calf muscles function as a pump, to circulate blood back from the legs toward the heart. The same blood vessels have one-way valves that protect against blood from reversing back due to gravity. If the valves are faulty, this mechanism fails and blood collects in the lower legs resulting in venous insufficiency. This abnormal flow is referred to as reflux and with time builds up pressure in the legs to cause symptoms including abnormal spider and varicose veins. Who is at risk of Varicose Vein disease? There are various risk facto

Simple Advice On Selecting A Top NYC Doctor

  Varicose veins are a common affliction and affects nearly 1 out 4 Americans. Fortunately, most of us with varicose veins will not have any significant issues or complications. Simple at home or work measures including exercise, compression stockings, leg elevation and smoking cessation will be enough to keep symptoms at ease. For patients with symptoms including leg pain, leg heaviness, itchy or discolored skin, and restless legs despite conservative measures, a new approach is needed. Many are aware that a consultation with a vein clinic near me is needed, however are unsure how to find the most qualified physician. Within each major zip code, you might search and find at least 10 different vein treatment centers. As you are probably aware, not all of them are equally experienced or skilled to manage vein disease.   So let’s begin with some advice on selecting which vein clinic NYC is best for you from your internet search: 1) Be certain that your vein doctor is board-certified and