
Showing posts from March, 2022

Vein Disease in Men

It's clear from the data, men also suffer from varicose veins. In fact, up to 50 percent of men in the United States are at risk for varicose veins during their lifetime. However, men are also more likely to avoid seeking medical attention for visible veins. This is likely due to a combination of factors including minimizing symptoms, considering varicose veins to be cosmetic only, and embarrassment. As such, specialty consultation for varicose vein treatment in NYC  is primarily sought by women. The first thing to understand is that varicose veins are not just a cosmetic concern. Medical concerns related to untreated vein conditions can lead to discoloration, bleeding, and skin ulcers. These are signs of poor blood circulation in your lower extremities. What Causes Varicose Veins in Men? The problem involves veins in the lower extremities that suffer from high pressure from within. Naturally, blood pools in these veins due to gravity, resulting in high pressure within the veins.